It's Not a Box
Students will use creative thinking to create a mixed media artwork.
Paper, markers, cardboard, glue
Process: Read Genesis 1:27. "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." God is creative. We are made in the image of God and God made each one of us creative.
During this lesson we will be exploring creativity. Ask the following questions and discuss.
Students will use creative thinking to create a mixed media artwork.
Paper, markers, cardboard, glue
Process: Read Genesis 1:27. "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." God is creative. We are made in the image of God and God made each one of us creative.
During this lesson we will be exploring creativity. Ask the following questions and discuss.
- What makes a person creative?
- They think of new ideas
- They approach things in ways that are original to them
- They are inventive and resourceful
- They look at new possibilities to solving problems as they work on projects
- How can you develop your creativity?
- Do not worry what other people think about your work
- Do not be afraid—of rejection, of being different, of not doing it right, or of getting a bad grade
- Examine different ways of doing things
- If you don’t have what you need, think about what else you can use
- Try doing things a new way
- Take time to think about it; pray about it
- Talk about your ideas with someone else; get a second opinion
- Practice and look at things you are interested in, study them
Give each student paper and a piece of cardboard to glue to it. They will use markers to create their “cardboard box” into something.
Have them tell you “It’s not a box, it’s a...” Write their answer on the back of their paper.
Have them tell you “It’s not a box, it’s a...” Write their answer on the back of their paper.